18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Istanbul timezone
Accepting Abstracts


The Place of Virtual Instruments and Digital Applications in Music Training

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When the concept of technology is considered today, it would be appropriate to say that it plays an important role in the field of education. Especially using virtual instruments and digital applications can add a new dimension to music education and make the learning process more accessible and effective. Thanks to these tools, different and innovative learning experiences come to light for students as an alternative to traditional music education methods. Virtual instruments provide students with the opportunity to make music without the need for a physical instrument. Such instruments are usually accessible through computer software or mobile applications, and they simulate (revive) various musical instruments in a digital environment. Students can get to know instruments, experience different sounds and practice via computer thanks to these tools. In addition, virtual instruments (program-based) are more economical compared to real instruments, allowing them to reach a wider audience. Digital applications (programs) can provide support to students in music theory, note reading, rhythm studies and similar subjects. With the use of these applications, the learning process becomes dynamic and motivating thanks to their interactive content and feedback mechanisms. For example, while a student is practicing rhythm, the application can help them correct their mistakes by providing instant feedback. As a result, the musical learning process can be made faster and more effective. The use of virtual instruments and digital applications can also contribute to the individualization of music education. Most students who aim to receive music education in this regard can progress at their own pace and access educational materials according to their personal needs. This can be a great advantage, especially for students with different learning styles. In addition, thanks to these technologies, geographical barriers are eliminated and students can have the opportunity to access music education from anywhere in the world. In general, virtual instruments and digital applications represent an innovative approach in music education. It is thought that the learning process will be enriched by the use of these technologies and will contribute to the development of students' musical talents. Educators can make music education more inclusive and accessible by using these tools effectively.
Keywords: Digital Music, Virtual Instruments, Music Education

Full Name (In Capital Letters) HAKAN EMRE ZİYAGİL
E-mail hakanemreziyagil@gmail.com
Kurum / University / Affiliated Institution Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi, Türk Musikisi Devlet Konservatuvarı, Niğde/Türkiye
Akademik Ünvan/ Academic Title Assoc. Dr.
Country Türkiye
Telefon / Phone Number 05055518215
Katılım Tipi /Participation Types Çevrimiçi /Online
Sunum Dili /What Will Be The Presentation Language? Türkçe
Where Do You Want to Publish the Full Text? To be published in the full text booklet

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