18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Istanbul timezone
Accepting Abstracts


The Relationship between student achievement and satisfaction using Yabda Game Board for Halal Awareness

Not scheduled


Quality education, industrial innovation, and infrastructure are some of the components of SDGs (Sustainable Development Objectives). Quality education regarding the game board contributing to the world, shaped, explained human thinking, and relationships. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between student achievement and satisfaction using Yabda Game Board for Halal Awareness. Quantitative method and questionnaire are type of researches instrument that was comprised of a number of questions and is used to collect information from participants. This study used Packages for Social Sciences for window version 22 (SPSS). The study respondents of 100 staff, 68 lecturers from Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin and 38 teachers from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Mergong. The results of the study show a positive and significant between student achievement and satisfaction using Yabda Game Board for Halal Awareness is at High level. The significance of this study purposely for contribute to alternative method of learning from the game board with the theme of halal awareness and make an improvement about halal lifestyle among students. This study also can help researchers who want to continue this study in the future.

Full Name (In Capital Letters) MUHAMMAD ADIB BIN AZIZ
E-mail adibaziz1990@gmail.com
Kurum / University / Affiliated Institution POLITEKNIK TUANKU SYED SIRAJUDDIN
Akademik Ünvan/ Academic Title Other
Telefon / Phone Number 0176174517
Katılım Tipi /Participation Types Çevrimiçi /Online
Sunum Dili /What Will Be The Presentation Language? English
Where Do You Want to Publish the Full Text? To be published in the full text booklet

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