18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Istanbul timezone
Accepting Abstracts



Not scheduled


The United States of America (USA) is a religious nation and religion has been deeply rooted in American history since the colonial time to this day. Most of the English immigrants who became first settlers in America, had brought their religions with them. These religious English immigrants, also known as Pilgrims and Puritans, both were strongly motivated by the desire for religious freedom. Because, they had fleeing persecution and disenfranchisement in England. Therefore, Pilgrims and Puritans came to America in search of religious freedom. They wanted to have rights for religious liberty and protection in a new land with a new community under a new government. These first settlers determined that God intended them to spread the light of Christian truth to regions. In short, it was faith of the Christian Bible that drove America’s earliest settlers to seek a place where they would have the freedom to live their lives and raise their children.

The Founding Fathers of American nation were raised as students of the Bible. Most of them were motivated by the same faith and they were guided by their Christian faith in establishing the USA as a new government. For this reason, the USA is often called as a Christian nation. Christianity has been a way of life that influenced every area including law, government, business, education, morality and family (marriage etc.) since colonial time to present in the USA. The Founding Fathers advocated to maintain traditional respect for religion and morality as an essential in American democracy and the Constitution. Therefore, the First Amendment of the Constitution guarantees the religious freedom. Furthermore, the idea of “American Exceptionalism,” historically stems from Puritans' religious roots. Christianity has been the main source of "American exceptionalism’s" belief in American society and thought. In short, the strong sense of Christianity has been playing very important role in shaping Americans’ ideology and life style.

Full Name (In Capital Letters) ÜSTÜN YÜKSEL
E-mail ustunyuksel@hotmail.com
Kurum / University / Affiliated Institution ERCİYES UNİVERSİTY
Akademik Ünvan/ Academic Title Other
Telefon / Phone Number 5356472881
Katılım Tipi /Participation Types Yüz Yüze/ Face to Face
Sunum Dili /What Will Be The Presentation Language? English
Where Do You Want to Publish the Full Text? To be published in the full text booklet

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